Day-7 Let's "Go"

Photo by Crew on Unsplash

Day-7 Let's "Go"

#90DaysOfDevOps Journey.

We are going to start our programming journey with Go from today. But first, let me clarify something: I will not describe the entire installation process of Go.Because it will make this blog very lengthy and, second, I am using Linux and there might be Windows and MacOs users reading this blog, so if I describe the Linux one, I also have to mention other OS processes and it will make this blog longer and boring to read.

But don't be sad, I will share a few resource videos of the installation process on different OSs. You will also require a code editor or IDE. I'll use Visual Studio Code (Click here to Install). I chose VSCode because I've been using it for a long time, so that's the first advantage. The second advantage is that it supports a variety of plugins and tools for Go lang. If you don't want to install VScode on your computer, you can use its web version also.

Installation ℹ️

Create your first Go program 🏗️

OK, you are ready with your tools. Let's create our first Go program. I created a new folder on my desktop named it Go practice and opened it in my VSCode. Also, I created a main.go file(Go files use .go extension like Python uses .py extension). In Vscode, as soon as you create a main.go it will ask you to install the necessary go extensions. Click "yes" and it will install all the supported Go extensions.

Screenshot from 2022-09-27 00-00-00.png

Now copy paste the below code into main.go file.

package main
import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println(" #90DaysOfDevOps just started!")

It is our hello world program in Go lang.

Code breakdown 👨‍💻

Fist line will add package to our main program. Packages are useful way to organise and reuse your code. In Go every program must start with package declaration.Second line is using import keyword to import the fmt package, which is used for printing a string here.

  1. func- used to create a main function.
  2. main()- It doesn't have any attributes and It doesn't return anything. It is the starting point of the program.
  3. Println- for printing value in the console.

Resources 📑

End Credits 👋

So that's all for now. We will move to the next topic tomorrow.

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